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RA-Tech Custom WE M14 EBR GBBR LV3 users?

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So in a previous topic I expressed I would like to be marksman and that the weapon of choice would be a M14/MK14 EBR. I’ve been extensively looking in the internet (around 2+ months) for a very accurate and long range M14. I’ve been able to understand how different the M14 of different companies preform however I came across this RA-Tech Custom WE M14 EBR GBBR LV3. So far I have not found a single review. If there’s anybody out here please leave a review, more specifically on range and accuracy. Thank you and happy new years!


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If you want a reliable Ebr, get an electric one. The WE is a very nice bit of kit. I’ve almost bought one a couple of times, but they need work to turn them into good DMR’s. For a start, you want a precision barrel, maple leaf bucking and maple leaf nub. Then you’re going to have to get the power to the site limits. The WE m14 suffer from trigger issues, but if it’s full Ra tech then it should be fine. Because it’s full Ra tech, it’s probably got a steel bolt which means it’s less efficient. You’d probably need to run it off mapp gas or if you don’t mind a line, hpa. Gas guns can be made into great snipers/dmr’s because of the way they impart their energy on a BB (joule creep) but it’s not going to do what you want out of the box

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16 hours ago, Wo1f said:

The WE m14 suffer from trigger issues, but if it’s full Ra tech then it should be fine. Because it’s full Ra tech, it’s probably got a steel bolt which means it’s less efficient.



I didn't understand this part. What do you mean by a steel bolt being less efficient?

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The heavier the weight that needs to be cycled, the more gas it will use. That’s one of the reasons people but TM pistols. Plastic slide gives better performance 

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