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Which mags for Krytac LVOA-C

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Hi Guys,

Just brought my first gun, a second hand Krytac LVOA, works great and shoots like a charm however only have one mag, can someone suggest a good, wellfeeding mid-cap mag for the rifle? 

Thanks in advance 

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krytac have a mag compatability thread showing what has been tested



they arent on the list but i am using ares polymer mid caps 120 rnd and they work fine



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My go to mags for my Krytac LVOA, which I have been using since I got it, are some polymer ASG low cap mags. I got a box of 10 for about 30 quid and they have worked flawlessly since. I have toyed with getting some of their midcaps but don't run mid caps much and when I do I use some Beta 80 round magpul copies. They feed well too but haven't held up as well as the ASG ones.



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