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Looking at buying a P90

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so i want to get a P90 its one of my favourite guns but so far i have only found these two http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/Airsoft-smg/p98-1-p90-sub-machine-gun-stanag-mod-aeg-black.htm#.WZ6MhSiGMuX and http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/Airsoft-smg/cyma-cm-060-p90-sub-machine-gun-aeg-black.htm#.WZ6MhCiGMuX im new to airsoft and dont know anything about these brands i cant find any reviews of the guns and not much info on the manufacturers could anyone help me

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Try using the search tool, it has a 3 character minimum.  There are a lot of results for "P90" most in the Classifieds so you will need to do some research.   This topic look of help:



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No wonder the forums have gone down hill you sound like a broken record and a rubbish one at that.


As for the P90 I've looked at some reviews a while ago and the options on them are pretty poor but i believe the only decent one out of the box is the Tokyo Marui. The cyma P90 isn't one of their best guns and isn't worth £160 its made of cheap plastic and doesnt shoot that well. try taiwangun I believe they are about £80 there which isn't a bad deal. Don't know anything about the JG. There are a lot of reviews on YouTube etc kicking about have a search there, just try and avoid the little squeaky voiced kids






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I had a Classic army P90 for around 3 months, found that the magazine that came with it (hicap) didn't feed well at all so I bought some MAG mid-caps and they didn't feed well either, so I sold it and bought an M4 as well.


I personally wouldn't recommend getting one as your first gun.


As for the build and internals of the P90 it was good mostly plastic with metal rails, it shot ok as well, like I said before it's just the magazines that put me off it.

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