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What is the Best AK on the market at the moment?

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Hi, I don't have much experience with AKs, but I'd probably say the Tokyo Marui recoil shock Ak series


Also, the new g&g AKs look quite good and are more modernised externally. I believe they also have ETUs (electronic trigger unit)


hope this helps

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If you mean externally then for my money it would be the E&L range, seeing as they're built from what is effectively actual AK bits. They're pretty good internally as well.



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30 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

If you mean externally then for my money it would be the E&L range, seeing as they're built from what is effectively actual AK bits. They're pretty good internally as well.




Whoa that is genuinely astonishing!


I didn't realise they were so tough!

That's on the shopping list now!

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They are really nice to look at and handle. When I get round to owning an AK it's going to be one of these. For preference kitted out with Magpul MOE. :)

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