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trouble zeroing scope

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Hi. I've just bought my first airsoft rifle. Its an L96 with a 3-9x40 scope.


It is second hand from a friend, but he couldn't remember the company who made the rifle (eg, Well, Mauser, Warrior etc).

Is there any way to find out? I want to be able to buy accessories like extra mags etc and want to make sure they are fully compatible.


The main reason for the post is I'm having difficulty zeroing the scope.

I've had a search and i've tried everything I've read but it doesn't seem to help.

I've tested it on a 20ft and 50ft range and every time it shoots low.

And I've tried it with hop up on and off, and i've set the scope adjustment as far up as it goes (until it unscrews completely) but the highest position is still a good couple of inches low.


What do you suggest to try next?



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go to whoever out of people you know's garden/field that is the longest that you can.

get a bag of BB's


set a target at about 100-150 ft away and start firing.

set the hop up completely off.

slowly increase the hop up untill the BB flies as flat for as long as possible with no/little height gain and no height decrease

get the windage adjust correctly, so the BB flies along the black line running up/down the scope

adjust the scope's height so that the BB hits one of the markers dead on.

when looking down the scope, there is the main line across it then either progressivly shorter lines parralel to that below it or dots on the lines, set the scope up to hit one of those (tbh, you can probably get it hitting the centre cross at that range)

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:
go to whoever out of people you know's garden/field that is the longest that you can.

get a bag of BB's


set a target at about 100-150 ft away and start firing.

set the hop up completely off.

slowly increase the hop up untill the BB flies as flat for as long as possible with no/little height gain and no height decrease

get the windage adjust correctly, so the BB flies along the black line running up/down the scope

adjust the scope's height so that the BB hits one of the markers dead on.

when looking down the scope, there is the main line across it then either progressivly shorter lines parralel to that below it or dots on the lines, set the scope up to hit one of those (tbh, you can probably get it hitting the centre cross at that range)


Thanks for your reply. At work we have about 150ft space where I can try zeroing so i'll try that.

I have tried changing all the settings and on both ranges (20/50ft) and I can never get the bb to go higher than the target. Could it be my scope isn't mounted properly? The top adjustment is at maximum.

Or could it just be that the hop up is set wrong or is damaged?



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I've managed to zero it perfectly on my 20ft range and its pretty accurate on the 50ft (with some wind).

I will try it at work tomorrow on a 150ft (no wind) and see if I can perfect it further.

However, the only way I could get the BBs to hit high enough (centre of the target) was to place a very small wedge of paper onto the rear scope ring, underneath the scope, to push the rear up 2/3 millimetres to compensate.

I'd set the top dial to the middle so I could fine tune it afterwards.

I know this isn't right, but maybe one of the scope rings had been knocked and bent slightly. The fix seems to have worked, but i'll have to see on the longer range tomorrow.



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