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Former airsoft player from the USA

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Hopefully I don't get boo'd and heckled out of here from being American, but I've been looking to get into airsoft again.


Last time I played was in middle school, about 15 years ago.  I still have my Tokyo Marui M4A1 manufactured back in 2000 that used to be top dog.


What am I looking at (financially) to get back into airsoft again?  Do I have to buy a newer gun that has newer technology or will my 17 year old rifle still do the trick?


What gear should I invest in?  Certain goggles/masks?  New BB's that fly better?  Upgrade my rifle's battery?  Find a decent sidearm?


Even if I don't fully get back into the sport, I will still probably shoot my rifle and get a sidearm for fun.

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All of these questions you can answer for yourself to be honest. Best thing for you to do is head to your local site, ask them what the walk on fee is. So long as you have eyepro and/or full face protectection (and your weapon), you're fine. You can decide after the day if you need to upgrade your gun although with it being that old I suspect it could do with a service at the least :)



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You'll take a little piss for being a Yank. Not really haha, I'm a yank as well. Your gun likely needs some work - your hop rubber is likely dried out, you gearbox probably needs cleaned and lubed, your barrel might be dirty, etc. I'd say get a battery and test it out. Did you ever tech your gun?

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38 minutes ago, SeniorSpaz87 said:

You'll take a little piss for being a Yank. Not really haha, I'm a yank as well. Your gun likely needs some work - your hop rubber is likely dried out, you gearbox probably needs cleaned and lubed, your barrel might be dirty, etc. I'd say get a battery and test it out. Did you ever tech your gun?

The gun was for the most part stock. Change the lowers receiver to be metal but other than that, didn't touch it. How do I give my gun a tune up? Any links you could share?

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To be honest you'll have to crawl through youtube for a strip down video. If it's an m4 it should be a v2 gearbox but I have no idea they've been standard for so you could be out of luck unless someone has stripped down your specific one.


Watch a few videos if you can't find a specific one for your model that way you'll get the gist of what you need to do. Honestly the gearboxes aren't hard. they can just be fiddly. If you aren't mechanically/tech minded just get someone who is to do it for you. (For a fee of course :P )


Start with this video if you like, use the forum search feature if you have any questions. Chances are there's already a thread!




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