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What to upgrade.

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Hi all


I need an advice from more experienced players.


I was going to buy Cyma cm.048s but it's current price is very high.


I found Dboys RK-10s with decent price. So idea would be to upgrade it and still be below Cyma asking price.


I am aware that this is not high quality gun so I do not aim to make it one by spending fortune for upgrades - just sensible minimum to make is more accurate.


Since I will be downgrading the gun power down to 340fps I did not plan to upgrade any gearbox's parts.


The parts I was planning to upgrade are:


- 6.02mm precision barrel. should I go for steel or brass? Is there any difference?


- hop up chamber to aluminium. I am looking at Cyma one or is the CNC worth its price?


- Hop up rubber to silicone.


What do you think is it good set? 



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Guest PT247

why a 6.02mm barrel?  I'd go with a 6.05mm or a 6.08mm. As for material, a brass one will need cleaning more often, quality is key, I prefer steel... PDI 6.05mm.
If it'll fit grab a krytac hop unit 

as with the hop chamber, the Krytac bucking is great. 

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Thank you for your reply. Why not 6.02mm? Jamming or price? 

My main purpose of this upgrade is accuracy. That is why I was thinking that 6.02mm would be the best.



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Guest PT247

quality gets you accuracy, not bore size. And tbh, a TBB is no better than a WBB, only difference really is the spring that gets you the fps given the same quality (but different sized bode) barrels. A 6.05 I have always found to be better than a TBB

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According to store description stock barrel is 6.08 in that case is it worth to upgrade it at all? Will the -0.03mm make noticeable difference?



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Thank you for all replies.


The best price for a gun I found at Taiwangun. To save on costs I am planning to purchase upgrade parts from them as well.

Unfortunately their choice in barrels is bit limited (to three only).


Do you have any opinion on Big Dragon barrels? Are they worth anything?


I read that SRC are to be avoided. The last choice (unfortunately most expensive) is Guarder on which I read quite good reviews. 




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You might find the Big Dragon barrel OK if you need a really sturdy drinking straw.

The barrel is the last thing you really need to upgrade. If you're just starting out then first you buy decent ammo, 0.25g minimum, preferably 0.28g and clean the barrel. This is the most cost effective accuracy upgrade you will ever make. After that you optimise the air seal, for consistent shot to shot performance, and you do this with the stock components. Then you perhaps get the gearbox running really nicely, yours for the cost of a pack of shims, some proper grease and a tap washer. Next is decent wiring and connectors, perhaps a Mosfet. Now the gun can support a good lipo battery. Then you can consider a new bucking, maybe a flat hop or an R hop. Lastly you spend the most money on the component that makes arguably the last difference, which is a barrel.

By all means, buy a barrel now, but you won't see the benefit of it until you've done all the supporting mods.

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Thank you for this. 

In this case I may save some funds for now and see actually how well stock will run and make step by step improvements in time. I will save your post for future reference :)


Would you consider Blaster as decent bb's? 





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I use ASG Blaster 0.25 and ASG Devil 0.28. Both hit what you point the gun at. And the 0.25s are cheap enough that you can be trigger happy without needing to sell a kidney.

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