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ares striker help!

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i have had a problem with my ares striker i have replaced the buck in the hop unit and when i shot it afterwards its didnt seem to shoot right so i took it apart again had a look at the hop up and them put it back together.

i then shot it a few times and it shot normal then it got jammed and when i cock the gun it wont shoot when i press the trigger its just rock solid.

thanks any help would be great. 

as well if i cock the gun and it wont shoot if i pump the bolt fast and  then shoot it will fire.


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You would be probably better off if you would give it to someone who has knowledge of tinkering with sniper rifles. You can do most things with brute force but not the fine tuning. I worked as an airsoft techie for some years and I gave my first sniper rifle to a specialist the first time.


You need to look into it where exactly it is jamming. Is the lip of the bucking wide enough? Does it do it with all makes of BBs or just one? Does it pinch the lip of the bucking? Is the nozzle centered? Is the hopup lever pushing in too hard / too deep?

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