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Scar Jack not hopping

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Hey guys,

Ill be short and sweet - the gun I have my Polarstar Jack in isn't hopping correctly. Either it doesnt hop at all on 0-90% hop, or it sends even .32g BBs to the moon in the 90-100% hop. Its in a VFC Scar with its... interesting proprietary hop unit, of which there arent any great options to replace. I have tried different buckings, and I can see the nub depressing the bucking when I remove the barrel and hop from the gun, so I am kinda perplexed as to the issue.


Also, as a side not my Polarstar FE'd Barrett .50 is shooting to the left quite steadily (turning the gun around 15* to the side makes the BBs fly straight and consistently). Not a big enough deal to make a post on - I just extend one bipod leg out a little more than the other to correct it, but it only started this with the Polarstar in it.




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Cant help you on the polarstar, but with regards to the barrett have you tried rotating the inner barrel slightly? 

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Just now, slipperysquid said:

Cant help you on the polarstar, but with regards to the barrett have you tried rotating the inner barrel slightly? 

Yea, thats on my list, and probably #2 for likeliness. Just brainstorming for now - that things a little hard to sneak into my dorm to tech on...


#1 is dried oil in the barrel - apparently my mate beat a chrono test by putting some oil down the barrel - and as he didnt have the extra long cleaning rod with him theres a fair chance some is still in the middle of the barrel.

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  • 8 months later...

Do you use midcaps? 


If thats the case theres a chance when you use it the midcaps are at max capacity and therefore because of the weak hopup unit on the Scar, it pushes the hopup unit up from the force of the full midcap. Had the same problem on my VFC Scar.




this might help.

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Lol, holy mother of necroposts! The issue was actually the Scar's crap hop unit. Ive done the ProWin mod and its a lot better now


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