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Diving into Airsoft / Re-enactment!

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Hello to All!


I've had an interest in military matters for as long as I can remember and have started collecting some militaria - I thought - why not put some of it to use?!  For the full experience without the risk of actually being shot, airsoft seems to be the way to go.  To that end, I've started putting together some loadouts, but want to do them accurately.  Being cursed with a slightly obsessive attention to detail, after lurking for some time I want to socialise with you guys in order to get some help with the nitty-gritties.  All that said, I hope to chat and maybe see some of you guys in the not too distant...

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Good to hear - I look forward to getting to know them!

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Start posting in the loadout section. Always interested in peoples gear and uniform/loadouts!


Im sure you will get some good feedback and help if you need it too, lots of knowledgeable folk around ere!

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Thanks Albiscuit, I have done - am starting with the KSK High Profile loadout.  I have several items to get to make it half decent...

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