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Newish Player from Herts

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Hello there,


Firstly, Great forum, really helped me on deciding what I should and shouldn't do when starting out. I started Airsofting in January, would have been a lot earlier but a Uni mate made it sound to much like nerfing.... I have made him regret his lack of enthusiasm.


Just got my site membership, UKARA coming as soon as I receive the membership. 


I have a brother who started before me so has his UKARA, hence my rather eclectic collection of toys so far. 


Just thought I'd introduce myself incase I start buying from some of you, don't want to seem like that dodgy guy who only has one post to his name.


Well, that seems about it for now!



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Ah nice. I havent been there yet, but I think myself and a friend are going to venture up in April at some point, is it any good - iv'e heard good things.


Welcome to the forum anyway! I dont usually see many people from Herts, lots from Essex though....

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Yeah it's a great site, quite big, lots of different map sizes and lots of different layouts, ideal for your long range shooter, but you do get enough chances to get up close and personal. All in a forest/wood so makes it great fun!

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