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Battery Charger - Radient Primal charger

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When I first started airsoft, I was using a cheap and nasty battery charger for my LIPo's


I got hold of a half decent battery charger from my local model shop for under £30. I think I paid £27 for a radient Primal charger. Not only it does LiPo's, It also does NiMH and NiCd's also. I did have to make my own Tamiya to deans connector as the charger came with a deans connection but spending a few mins making up a new lead I was well away charging. I managed to charger several batteries over a course of the morning. post-13961-0-29163600-1482097245_thumb.jpg


Its very simple to use and has various charging ratings too.

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I did try that but I was having issues with it. Probably bad batch but then I have noticed many clones on ebay which claim to be IMAX B6 but its a chinglish import :S


In my opinion the charger I use for its price range is a brilliant charger and speaking to many people who use them has not had an issue and they have been running for years.


Everyone has their own personal preference on the charger they like to use.

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