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alpha tec hex multi-shot impact

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I have just got one of these alpha tec hex multi shots, and need some advice. With every throw the base losens, it lasts one throw and needs tightening again when I pick it up, I dont mean it is slightly lose, the cartrage now has a 3 or 4mm gap, the cartrage tends to begin rotating itself which ends up with second throw being a 75% change of nothing happening (if you didnt re-tighten the base).


ATM I am not very happy with it, as I was hoping for somthing I can just pull out, chuck without having to mess about checking its not lossened up in my pouch.

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Hi I just got one and used it yesterday, I didn't notice it loosening in my pouch but it was a little loose when I pick it up after throwing it.


You have to spin the cylinder to safe or the next number before you throw it again so it's not a real problem to tighten the bottom a little.


Personally I loved it as it meant I didn't have to fumble around with blanks mid game, I just picked it up spun it around and it was ready to be chucked again.

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I bought one of these a few months back and have used it at a few games now. The base comes loose easily if you turn the cartridge clockwise (looking top down) as it grips the locking base somewhat.


However, in use, starting in safe, turning it to blank number one (counter clockwise from above) it tightens the base to its limit, allowing the cartridge to turn under a little resistance. On retrieval, I leave the cartridge on the number that was just fired, reinsert in pouch. On the next use I turn it to the next number, which keeps the base tight. I've not had a problem with the base coming loose using it as described above.


As said, if you're worried, apply tape/loc-tite (purple, not blue) to stiffen the thread.

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