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New Group with possible sponsorship S.C.A.R

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Good Morning Guys,


We are a group of Airsofters from the North West, We have recently created a Facebook Group, YouTube Channel and Blog.


We are currently in discussion with Taiwan Gun for Sponsorship which will see us doing reviews of new guns and accessories. As a direct result we will be running competitions for lots of free goodies from guns themselves to ammo.


If you have any tips for my videos (we are still new and learning as we go) our page or our Blog please feel free to drop a message.


Will be taking delivery of an A&K Masada Sniper variant tomorrow so there will soon be an unboxing and review up on the various channels.


Thanks for Reading!









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So we have been speaking with Taiwan Gun due to a large order we places as our team has 12 members who all ordered new kit.


They are having difficulty with their YouTube channel and not getting very many views so i offered to promote the page in exchange for items to review.


We will hopefully be holding competitions to give away some scopes and ammo to begin with and build on that to see if things take off.


Its very early stages at the moment but we are hopefully going to get it off the ground.


As mentioned any help or advice you could provide would be hugely helpful



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  • Root Admin

Well, I see you edited your post to be a bit more friendly. Good call, heh.


Out of pure curiosity though, what's the process like - are they sending you the Masada purely as a test? Do you return review products? I imagine it's going to be hard for you to get more exposure than Taiwan Gun does right now, but I wish you the best of luck.



My critique of the video would be firstly to remove that filter that adds borders to the whole thing as it's unnecessary. Secondly I think perhaps a better camera or - at a minimum - some cheap light stands might be in order (it looks like the camera has cranked the ISO up and it's severely reducing the quality of the picture). They can be had for about £40 on eBay for two, and will make a big difference. Smart phones can get a decent quality picture if that's what you're using, but they don't work well in low light at all.


The final bit of feedback I'd give is more of a grammatical one: Don't capitalise random words like 'Blog', 'Sponsorship' and 'Channel'. Good diction and grammar goes a long way to making a website and/or channel look more professional.


Just make sure you read the rules on this section by the way :)

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Hi pal,


yes i will do thanks for that once i have some more content ill get a thread up and running.


Thanks for the heads up!

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  On 24/07/2016 at 12:02, proffrink said:

Well, I see you edited your post to be a bit more friendly. Good call, heh.


Out of pure curiosity though, what's the process like - are they sending you the Masada purely as a test? Do you return review products? I imagine it's going to be hard for you to get more exposure than Taiwan Gun does right now, but I wish you the best of luck.



My critique of the video would be firstly to remove that filter that adds borders to the whole thing as it's unnecessary. Secondly I think perhaps a better camera or - at a minimum - some cheap light stands might be in order (it looks like the camera has cranked the ISO up and it's severely reducing the quality of the picture). They can be had for about £40 on eBay for two, and will make a big difference. Smart phones can get a decent quality picture if that's what you're using, but they don't work well in low light at all.


The final bit of feedback I'd give is more of a grammatical one: Don't capitalise random words like 'Blog', 'Sponsorship' and 'Channel'. Good diction and grammar goes a long way to making a website and/or channel look more professional.


Just make sure you read the rules on this section by the way :)


Thanks for the advice pal it helps a lot! - The Masada was a purchase by myself to do some of the first videos however the review products are normally returned to Taiwan Gun after a video has been made unless you really do get plenty of views at which point you can keep the seed units.


The video was taken on my phone however i have ordered a better camera with a tripod and some lights already.


Ill drop the border on the next video hopefully it will look a little better


Yeah i edited my response as i thought there was no reason to be defensive people will be sceptical, like i said nothing has been agreed yet ive only had a couple of emails and a phone call at the moment. With regards to the exposure i guess for the cost of shipping a few guns providing i get enough views it would be worth it from a marketing point.


Grammar isn't a strong point but i try my best haha!


Thanks again for the advice im certainly taking it all on board!

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