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Midlands Airsoft Fair


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Hi all, just a quick note to mention the Midlands Airsoft Fair is back again on the 23rd April at The Gaol in Oakham, Rutland.


£5 entry gets you a Free Bacon or Sausage Cob/Bap, Games through the day from 11am, Target Course, Have a go Airsoft and CQB Skill N Drills, and access to over 50 tables of Airsoft goodies from Retailers to second hand kit.


This event also has the usual raffle with prizes including a ASG Scorpion Evo, Decimator Impact grenade and a further Gun TBC


Further info can be found on www.midlandsairsoftfair.co.uk trading spaces are still available if required too, prices for sellers pitches are on the website.

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