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Newbie from Middlesbrough area

Deviant Imp
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Hello every one. :)


My name is Kieran, I got into airsofting a few years ago and loved it, I instantly bought a King Arms S&W M&P15 MOE along with a Tokyo Marui Foliage Warrior. However I then stopped playing shortly after because it was a little bit expensive (especially when I forked out £300 for my rifle straight away :P) and I was busy with education and relationships and all that sort of stuff, I just never had time or the mood to go airsofting. :(


I now really feel like getting back into airsofting so I thought I'd join a forum to help me on my way and to see if I could learn a few things.


I hope I can learn a lot whilst I'm here, maybe make a few friends and hopefully help others too. :)

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yeh im caught between the northern alliance field and nsc near sunderland, havent been to either just basing on videos and reviews

NSC is a really good field, I would recommend going there for sure! If you do give me a shout!

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