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10:1 gears with a Lonex A1 motor?


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Hi all!

Wannabe airsoft mechanic here...


I'm wondering if a Lonex A1 motor could pull a set of Siegetek 10:1 gears. Any ideas?

I've looked around and people have said that JG Blue motors and Lonex A2's do the job, but no one mentions the A1.


If you need to know more I plan on using an M140 spring (Maybe an M150) and a 7.4V 25C LiPo


Thanks :)

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yup I'd say so or shs torque

but jeez wtf you wanna buy them expensive mofo's for ?


think shs 12:1 would do and if not enough go for 11.1v


Seigtek 10:1 are 10.44 actual ratio
SHS 12:1 are 12.65:1 and should assist in getting the balance right
(good response without the motor's nutz falling off)
plus shs motor + shs gears mesh very nicely together
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Sweet, thanks for the help :)


I wanna buy the gears because I'd like to prove to myself I can build a gun using them

As for the motor, I'm asking about the A1 because I already have it, haha. Bought it in my early airsoft days when I didn't know there were much cheaper options


Tough, if you think the 12:1's would be a good match, I'll check em' out

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Yeah it will work but I am struggling to see where your going with this build (other than the boneyard).

The A1 while classed as a balance motor is still pretty quick, couple that with a 10.44 siegetek set its going to very quick. Then your using a high power spring? Your going to get issues, it will strip pistons a lot. If it pre-engages even if using a full metal tooth piston then the siegetek gears will eat the piston.

High speed and high power rarely works with much reliability.


Edit; Siegetek gears are kind of pointless I have a couple of sets and to be honest they are overkill. Lonex gears cost a lot less and perform just as well.

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I was planning on buying a new piston and then short stroking it, and the 10.1's use a duel sector gear so it wouldn't push the spring as far back, which is why I plan on using one with a higher power.


Is this thinking wrong?


Also, you think the siegetek gears aren't worth it too? Hmm, may be time to rethink what I'm getting

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how fast do you really wanna go

(please don't say trigger response coz you can always get gun precocking)


20 is average to good rof

30 is going some

40 is everybody on a UK field calling you a show off or a c**t


yes it can be done but m140/150 spring - dmr mofo or mega short stroke/dsg bollox ???

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12:1 gears SS 3 or 4 teeth can get about 30rps on 7.4v lipo if done well with a m115/120

get into 40's on 11.1v and with a 3or4 SS setup you got volume for most barrels to lift stuff


dsg can or should start at near 40 or what's the point ???


the faster gun cycles in general more friction/heat/wear/strain

mini hammer drills banging away etc....

plus faster you go - more of your mag collection won't feed so well unless high quality hi caps or mid-caps


trust me it is not easy getting a gun to fire faster but still shoot well AND last




its bollox and I know it won't last so only been out once or twice for giggles

I stick in mid 20's usually

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I'm hoping to get somewhere around 30-35, haha


But honestly I probably wouldn't use it much, as I want to do it because I enjoy taking guns apart and seeing what I can do with em'

(That being said I'm still in very early days of modding guns)


Though, if the 12:1 gears can get 30RPS on a 7.4v LiPo and an M115/M120 then I'm very tempted to get those instead and save a fair amount of both time and money (Plus you definitely sound like you know what you're talking about)

Also didn't think about the magazine feed, thanks for reminding me about that

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  On 31/12/2015 at 16:24, bejoja said:

I was planning on buying a new piston and then short stroking it, and the 10.1's use a duel sector gear so it wouldn't push the spring as far back, which is why I plan on using one with a higher power.


Is this thinking wrong?


Also, you think the siegetek gears aren't worth it too? Hmm, may be time to rethink what I'm getting

My bad presumed you were using the 10.44 ssg set. If your going down the dsg route then yes the higher rated spring is the way to go coupled with a short stroke. They are a bastard to set up though.

Only ever used 1 dsg set (14.09) and thats siegetek so cant really compare other brands for dsg.

A few spare pistons might be wise to be honest because you might need them.

Siegetek are the best but as I said its overkill most other decent brands are a fraction of the price and will last probably longer than most guns usable life.

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No worries, suppose I didn't say I was using a DSG origionally. I'm glad I got the right idea with the spring though. And setting up them? Bring it on ;) (Famous last words...)

Thanks for the advice on stocking up on a spare piston or two if I do end up going down that route.

As for the siegetek gears being overkill, I think I'm gonna look at some other brands to see if I can save some hassle and money.

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7.4v lipo 25c or 30c


13:1 will get you about 26 - 27 on VERY THICK 16 awg wire, mosfet deans etc....

12:1 will get you near 30's.......


additional boosts depend on using very fast torquey motors like Big Dragon M160

SHS torque is not quite as fast but close and easier to get hold of

other crazy motors like G&P Satan I can't comment on

not even got a Lonex motor

Speed motors get very very hot pushing past m100 springs - so don't think of a shs high speed

some torque motors are not much faster than stock ferrite motors but designed for pulling crazy mofo springs m150+


even frankentorque motors are not ultra quick - just ultra strong

bushings are a must in high rof but will be slower than bearings - 5 to 8%

ceramics offer speed & strength but jeez not cheap and still mofo builds need bushings under spur gear


the choice of neodym motor can make a big difference

but it can only unleash its full power if all the wiring homework is done - often a dremmel to squeeze in thick wire

the box will just die quicker - much quicker unless you get EVERYTHING as close to perfection as possible (not easy)

plus after all that crap - you can still find it feeds crap coz it needs a stiffer tappet spring to load bb's quicker etc....

it is a MASSIVE learning curve and no I am no expert - just broke LOADS taking the pi$$


if you wanna go nutz - do it in stages is my advice

read: http://www.airsoftsociety.com/forums/f10/legacys-guide-building-high-speed-aeg-87504/


go easy and take your time

try to learn to walk before you try and run

later builds will be much better than your first few attempts - well mine were $hite

overcoming problems - learning from mistakes etc....

airsoft teching is no way as easy as them youtube vids look and still I think there is a sprinkle of luck required

(or loads of luck in mine & many others builds)

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Thanks for the mini guide, much appreciated :) You've given me a lot to think about

As for the advice on taking it slow, I will do my best to do this, that said I'm a very impatient person when it comes to practical work, haha.

Again, thanks for the help!


I'm off to read up on that link you added in

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