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Skirmish sites near me?


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Hey everyone, so Google isn't helping me at the moment, or maybe there just isn't many Airsoft sites close by. So I live in Crawley, West Sussex, UK. So far I've only found ONE site, it's the Epsom Tunnels but I'd also like to play in Skirmishes not just CQB. Does anyone know any sites near me? Maybe, 5-10 miles radius? Cheers!

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Dude, you live 5min from one of the best sites in the South.... Dogtag Airsoft at Holmbush Farm halfway between Crawley and Horsham!



I honestly thought Holmbush was only paintball :o Have you been before then?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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