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black ops cribbs xmas game


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Yesterdays xmas game (21st) was a hoot, certainly had some fun until I got shot by a team member, so I took it as an enemy hit and started back to the safe zone, I get tagged again 5 times on both arse cheeks, the bloke realised I was out and said "sorry, my bad) pmsl


In the afternoon, I was Santa (that was my costume for the day anyway) I was held hostage by the blue team


As 2 of my captors were busy getting through a hole in the fence, I took my chance, walked away then legged it back to my team, it was safe to say that no one expected it in the 1st few minutes and were stunned in what to do


My team saw me legging it and said it was hilarious to see a red streak just running :)


The last game saw me putting a present in at 5 objectives which we completed within about 10 minutes with next to no resistance as both sides were heavily engaged elsewhere


Both sides did brilliantly and I will always say 'expect the unexpected' never give a hostage an inch and always maintain control of them

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