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Getting back into airsoft.


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Hey guys


Been a good few years since I last really played and because of this I have no UKARA and don't want to buy a bright blue gun!


Would it be possible for someone to buy the gun I need, get it sent to me and I could paypal the cash to them?


I'm pretty sure it's legal to 'gift' a gun to someone but I'm not certain.. If you think you could help me that would be amazing.

I really need to get back on the field! :D


Thank you!

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No, that would be you buying it from them. Just rent 3 times and get your own UKARA registration. Airsoft is not a cheap sport and if the difference in cost between walk on prices and rental (which is usually £15) is going to prevent you from getting back into it, you'd probably best give up now.

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Well, let's be fair mate - your first post on a public forum was to ask someone to join you in a criminal conspiracy. Not such a good 'hello' eh?


Yeah, we all know that the VCRA is bad law and that there are many ways around it, whether as a legitimate airsofter wanting to cut corners, as someone who just wants to mess about with a toy gun that looks real, or as someone with the kind of dodgy motives which the law is supposed to deter, but it is the law, and as such wtf can we, as a responsible forum, say to you?


Chances are that you are genuine and that, if you do manage to acquire an RIF without a UKARA number, which can be done legally, nothing that you will do with it will ever see the inside of a courtroom, even if any sale was technically illegal. Nonetheless it is irresponsible to ask people to blatantly ignore the law, so please do not do so via PM or attempt to word such a request in any 'nudge nudge, wink wink' kind of way, or reluctantly we, the mod team, will be forced to sanction your account.


I hope this doesn't put you off our corner of t'internet - welcome to the forums!

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welcome to the forum dude, I feel your pain re two toned guns. The 2 months 1 day thing is a pest but it could work in your favour with the January sales if you start playing now! :-)

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Welcome aboard. :)


Frankly, there are several reasons why renting for three or so skirmishes until you can sort a UKARA will work in your favour, particularly if you've been out of things for a while and aren't sure about what most people are using these days. For example...


Renting is not much more expensive than turning up with your own gear (probably about a fiver or so, maybe a tenner), and you may find that the hire gun you use is one that you like the feel of, or even if you don't like the particular weapon or protective gear you hire, then that too can be useful in determining what to buy.


It'll let you see what gear/weapopns everyone else is using, giving you time/ideas on deciding what to buy.


Chatting to others at the skirmish before getting your hand in your pocket for a weapon or some othewr expensive bit of gear is generally not a bad idea (people at the site you visit are likely to be using what works best at that location).

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This may help also.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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