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sam bow
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my name is sam i am quite new to airsoft but i have researched everything loads i love the idea of sniping and was wondering if anyone can recommend me a sniper Bering in mind i am am a newbie i love the look of the draguov but cannot seem to find them anywhere?

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We'd done so well, so many noobies without a sniper in them D: RUUUUINED!!!! :P


yeah, don't go into sniping, it's not like in the films/games/media at all.


first up is get yourself down to some games, then see what you like, what style of play you enjoy and all that.

most noobies can't put the time/effort/money into getting a good sniper rifle to hit anything with any accuracy past 30M.

whereas an M4/G36C would be great for a noobie, good for all gae styles, upgradeable and cheap and easy to come by.


also, Welcoe to the forum :D

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:

We'd done so well, so many noobies without a sniper in them D: RUUUUINED!!!! :P


yeah, don't go into sniping, it's not like in the films/games/media at all.


first up is get yourself down to some games, then see what you like, what style of play you enjoy and all that.

most noobies can't put the time/effort/money into getting a good sniper rifle to hit anything with any accuracy past 30M.

whereas an M4/G36C would be great for a noobie, good for all gae styles, upgradeable and cheap and easy to come by.


also, Welcoe to the forum :D

lol sorry kk i will go to a airsoft place in truro cornwall and see how it goes

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