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Electronics issue

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Ok, I'll try my best to explain this :/


I have a snow wolf m82 Barrett, and it rocks. The issue is, because of the full auto feature and the lovely trigger spam on single shot, my site has asked I mod it so that it can only do single shot and with a trigger delay of roughly 1-1.5 seconds.


My question is, how can I do this? Any and all information is helpful as I am completely stuck here. I've seen the words MOSFET floating around, among others. Links etc would really help too, thanks :)


Kalawan ><

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Plug and play mosfet, plug one end into your gun and the other into your battery, saves you hard wiring a mosfet in.


That one in particular comes with a variety of burst settings, delays and other features; most importantly a sniper setting, allowing you to program a delay between each shot (will tell you how to do it in the manual, mine did but I cant remember where I put it)


Also, if you're into realism you can program a reload feature where after firing a certain amount of shots, say 30, your gun will not fire for 4-5 seconds allowing you to use a highcap and simulate reloads.

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Plug and play mosfet, plug one end into your gun and the other into your battery, saves you hard wiring a mosfet in.


That one in particular comes with a variety of burst settings, delays and other features; most importantly a sniper setting, allowing you to program a delay between each shot (will tell you how to do it in the manual, mine did but I cant remember where I put it)


Also, if you're into realism you can program a reload feature where after firing a certain amount of shots, say 30, your gun will not fire for 4-5 seconds allowing you to use a highcap and simulate reloads.


The guy that makes those is now ONLY making the latest version which is on his website: http://www.aegwizard.com/ The new one is the King Kong Super 2 and there is one about to go into my M249! It will indeed do "sniper mode" which will do exactly what your site is asking. If you're up to a bit of soldering you can also hardwire the mosfet to the trigger contact which will greatly improve the trigger response.

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This is exactly what I want, but there out if stock o.O I've done done searches but can find anywhere else in the UK that sells them. Any ideas?


Thanks guys!



I bought mine direct from the aegwizard site and it was no problem. Turned up inside a week and was posted as a gift with a $3 customs value so no import duty or VAT to pay! Buy it direct. Easy.

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I need it by Sunday ideally, I'm wondering if it would come in that time? I don't usually order overseas so I don't know the standard times.


It's coming from the US by standard airmail, 7-10 days depending on this end. Mine came quicker but you're too late for Sunday. I think you'll struggle to order anything now...

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