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TM FAMAS SV Problem!!!!

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I have a TM FAMAS SV, it is over 8 years old now.


It runs great and i recently took apart the gearbox for re greasing and now runs even better,

but there is a white connector that joins together to the gearbox's connection slider and also the trigger mechanism.


You have to take it of to seperate the version 1 gearbox. My problem is when out skirmishing the little white connector pops out, there is no wear on the part and seems to randomly pop out....!


Wondering if anyone has had this problem, or would know how to fix it?


cheers Jake



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judging by the pics that looks like part FA-30 ( parts drawings see >> http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/articles/manuals/tokyomarui/famasf1/famasm10.jpg)


i am pretty sure there is a bracket that holds the arm/linkage in place (it may be FA-29), but i may be wrong as its been a while since i had mine in bits. Also check see if somehow the arm may have become bent? ... could it have become greasy and slipping? loose outer body?? with out seeing it i cannot be 100%


have a look at this for pics of assembly/disassembly etc >> http://www.maapr.com/forum/showthread.php?1060-Marui-Famas-Disassembly-and-Reassembly!-New-barrel-upgrade

and for a manual (in case you need it etc) >> http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/articles/manuals/tokyomarui/famasf1/

also a few nice disassembled pics here >> http://www.airsoftgiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=27607

there is also a nice video on youtube if you need it.


Unfortunately i have not skirmished mine (due to the u/s hop that needs replacing that's as rare as rocking horse poop :angry::angry::angry: ), so i cannot say i have had this problem. i hope this helps though B)

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