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Airsoft world cup

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Before I got into airsoft, I foundout that there is a paintball worldcup event.


Usually takes the form of a WW2 type thing.

I noticed how most if not all of the players at this world cup came from America, and nowhere else....


I think it could be interesting.

Rather than a world cup, make an airsoft world war.


Because if it was a world cup, how would you pick the players for each country? There are a lot of us after all...

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Ok i know this will probably never happen but I think it would be cool if there was an airsoft world cup type thing with teams from each country playing eachother B)


an airsoft tournament ? yeah be very good :) i know teams play teams but if it was as a tournament would be very good :)

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That would be class! You could run it like a footy world cup with teams and knock out stages run in parallel with local sites. Would be a big setup but worth it.


I am currently thinking about setting up a charity event for help for heroes! A charity weekend at somewhere like ringwood over a whole weekend of just one big senario with 75%of site proceeds going to charity plus anything the airsofters wanted to give over the top of their entry fee!


What do we think?

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