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ICS L85a2 Problem

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Okay so my l85 arrived a couple of days ago and I am in love with it however there is one thing the is really messing with my head. There is some wobble between the upper and lower receiver. Now maybe its just me being O.C.D but I'm quite worried about I mean when your'e paying £320 you expect quality so if this is normal or if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know it would be greatly appreciated.


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the real steel does the same lol.

with the ICS tho, check that the lips at the front are correctly aligned. The trigger mechanism on the ICS is a real pain in the bum, so try not to open it up too often unless you have to.

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I have yet to pick up a real steel one that hasn't got a wobble on, the tollerances between the TMH and the TMH pins are terrible.

An armourer will tell you its because we clean our weapons too much ;):D

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If it's really overly bad, then there are 6 screws that hold the barrel and hop into the gun, in the upper half of it.

The front pin that holds the gun together goes through a part of the barrel assembly, so if those 6 screws are loose, then the wobble will come from that.

Pop the pins, take the buttplate off, hinge the gun open using the safety switch at the front end as the pivot point, then once upper and lower are apart, pull back on the lower and it'll come off.

Then check the 6 screws in the upper - two are at the front at the back of the handguard, and there are 4 in a rectangle configuation just ahead of the feed tube on the hop unit.


If it's a new gun then they ought to have some blue loctite on them holding them in, so it's odd that they'd come loose, but you never know.

Tightening them and then reassembling ought to sort it out, I never really noticed any particularly bad wobble in my ICS.

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Thanks for the info I actually commented on one of your youtube videos a couple of days ago regarding this problem. By the I'm a big fan of your videos keep up the good work.

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Sorry if I missed it, I must've clicked it twice by accident and removed it.

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