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Hey guys, I am from Hull (unfortunate due to the lack of sites at this time) just started getting into airsofting and I am looking for advice on what guns to buy and what I need to do, thanks :)

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Guns are always personal preference, once you have a model in mind then its down to price range. baring in mind that for starters you will need extras: a battery(poss even a spare). Magazines. foregrip, sling, sights etc can be saved for later. you will need some ammo but that can be bought at the site on the day. a case to carry it in is always nice.


Clothing is also personal, but i would suggest a good pair of boots to support your ankle.


Btw have you ever been airsofting and are you familiar with the UKVCRA and UKARA?

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Guns are always personal preference, once you have a model in mind then its down to price range. baring in mind that for starters you will need extras: a battery(poss even a spare). Magazines. foregrip, sling, sights etc can be saved for later. you will need some ammo but that can be bought at the site on the day. a case to carry it in is always nice.


Clothing is also personal, but i would suggest a good pair of boots to support your ankle.


Btw have you ever been airsofting and are you familiar with the UKVCRA and UKARA?

No, not been airsofting yet, still looking for a site to play at, and yeah I am familiar with the laws :)

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Welcome to the forum, mate. Your best bet before choosing a gun is to rent a few times and talk to people who have their own guns. We're pretty much all inordinately proud of them so we're more than happy for any excuse to show them off and rabbit on about them. Get a feel for what fits your hands and body best. Some people may let you shoot their guns - I would, on the test range.


There's some good info in the stickies of this forum too.

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Thanks for the welcome


It seems Humber Airsoft is opening sometime within the next two months just south of the Humber Bridge

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