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My first loadout is Complete!

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You are 100% correct ;). im waiting for some money to come in so i can get a Suppresor or a flash hider.

Corrected that Sentence for you ;)

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in the mean time I would just spray it black and refit the flash hider as you could damage the thread if left exposed......then you'd need to shell out for a new outer barrel.

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What's the UKARA situation, Stormax? If you're able to get it an ICS AK-74 would be an idea, but spraying the M4 black like Sam says would be a good idea

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IF He's not Manufacturing a RIF Guys! =D


I'd go with a Cyma everyone know's those F Ker's are Bomb Resistant!

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Unless you take 'em apart a lot, TPI. Then the holes for the screws get fcuked up and bits get loose, like the hop unit, which then stops the BB's feeding properly... Otherwise, yeah, get a CYMA AK or M14 - they're excellent right out of the box - you may need to downgrade the spring to a 110, depending on your fav site's FPS limit.

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