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why was my ad deleted?? (Someone help)

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I'm new to this forum but not new to airsoft I recently posted a swap ad I wanted to swap my nitro powered rc car for a gas pistol or revolver as I don't use it any more however it seems like my ad has been deleted as I cannot find it in the swaps section as im new to the forum I don't know if I'm breaking any rules by trying to swap a non airsoft item?? so I would appreciate it if someone could help me out a little. Thanks!

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If you'd read the rules you would know the answer ;)

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He's right, there isn't anything that specifically says a sale or swap item has to be airsoft related. I guess it wasn't added into the rules because generally it's quite obvious.


All it says is that the sale item can't be a real gun, air gun, or fire anything metal.


Ought to be a fairly simple edit though.

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