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1911 leg holster advise needed please.

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Hi all, I am looking to buy a leg holster for my 1911. A few years back I had a safariland leg holster for my usp and that worked perfectly. Has anyone used the blade tech wrs leg holster and if so what are they like.


I am trying to source a safarliand 1911 leg holster in tan (right hand) but I can only find the ones with rail attachment for the pistol, via import. Will this still hold the pistol without the attachment in the first place.



Any info would be great!


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Have you thought about the Blackhawk serpa?

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I tried one blackhawk serpa and was not that impressed by it. I will take another look at it though

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Take a look at IMI, they do some similar to the serpa, though personally the serpa is NY preference.

G-code so some good looking stuff but I haven't seen on yet they get good reviews though.

Also worth looking at safariland and fobus, Their stuff is always a good bet.

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