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You can pay a small fortune for an all singing, all dancing one, or get one of these: http://www.component-shop.co.uk/html/radio_control1.html


First one down, I've had for about 4 years. It works fine and charges my batteries a treat at whatever setting I want, fast or slow.


Second one down has a built in circuit to gauge when the battery is charged.


Also a good website to buy your batteries.

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think I go with the 2nd one then.. accidentally left a battery 2 days :/


made another thread about it, but is there any reasons why I couldn't connect an 'airsoft battery' to this charger? could made a faux battery with a Tamiya connector for it?


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So far as I'm aware, those are made to charge a single cell only in each bay. Since airsoft batteries are linked cells, it would not have the correct internal circuitry to be able to charge a multi cell pack. From looking at the one I have to charge my radio batteries, the output per bay would not be enough to charge at a rate that would recharge the pack in a week or so.

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might go for the one for £15, 3700 mAh battery charged in 2h is quite sweet:)


question thou, it says

"1,000/2,000mA (1A/2A) selectable charging current
Mains 230V UK 3-pin plug

why would you want it to charge on the lower setting?

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NihM batteries hold a stronger charge if recharged slowly over a longer period. A quick charge on high output will do the job, but it will run down quicker.

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Constant high charge rate will. It's always best to run them down and give a slow recharge every couple of months, or always recharge on the lower setting.

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