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M4 Build

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So i Need to know What all do i Need to build an M4 Gearbox to run a Sub 300 FPS spring and which part's to make it as Durable as Possible?


Also could i get a Little Help finding a Rail to fit a 10 or 10.5 Inch Barrel without space to mount a Front Iron Sight so it would idealy only be the FlashHider Showing?

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Sub 300 FPS? Pretty easy. :)



If you want good ROF, some SHS/Super Shooter 13:1 ratio gears will give you the desired effect, due to the low FPS spring, it's not too stressful. SHS are a great brand for internals. So strong.


Or you can go for a more DMR set of gears which are made to stand up to 450fps. As long as it has the correct number of teeth. Just one too many will be an issue! (Because guns like SR25's often have specially long pistons to accommodate a bigger air pocket, therefore have more teeth on a sector gear).



SHS 3 steel tooth piston. Simples. Got these in all my guns. Best durability since duracell wore a crash helmet. Also see if you can grab an Element Silent Piston head... they work funnily enough.


Shimmings & Bearings:

SHS or Systema shimmings. Get a correct amount on the gears and the gun will be quieter, more efficient and longer lasting.

7mm or 8mm steel bearings are always good. Just makes your gun more efficient over all.


The rest... the cylinder, cylinder head, spring guide, spring (unless fps is not desired), trigger mech, wiring, GB casing and motor are optional. TBH, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

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i'm thinking of aiming for a standard 10 RPS and Squeeze as Much acuracy out as i can it's only gonna be a Backup to my ICS SA80 anyway i was thinking of putting the MadBull 3 In 1 Hop up in it too and putting a Switch in so i can turn it off and On when i want!

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i'm thinking of aiming for a standard 10 RPS and Squeeze as Much acuracy out as i can it's only gonna be a Backup to my ICS SA80 anyway i was thinking of putting the MadBull 3 In 1 Hop up in it too and putting a Switch in so i can turn it off and On when i want!

Oh silly me. For accuracy, sort out a nice hop unit. Madbull or Systema really. I have used Systemas before (got one in my G&P/Systema M4) and fudge they hit good range and awsome accuracy, once fully adjusted!

(****Tip, if your BBs are curling off to one side, strip the gun, pull out the hop + barrel. Simply twist the barrel fractionally in the opposite direction to the curl off. Works so well!****)


How about you look at an AEP like my skorpion? ;) It could be a back up that fits snuggly in a holster, while full filling your requirements!:


^ My review, don't worry not a sale thread :P

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i looked at the link and went great what's he trying to sell me now...


i Had looked at them for age's and i already have my Pistol i just want an M4 to Strap to the Side of my 3 Day Assault Pack and Carry with me during a MilSim Op as a Back up. i Do Intend on Buying a whole Bunch of them and MP7's to use as Prop's for GroundBreakerTv though

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