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Night game, what load out?

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As the title suggests, I've got a night skirmish next week, I think it's all inside, urban assault in Cambridge Peterborough way.


What load out do I pick? Multicam or all black?


Never had a night skirmish yet!

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Wear whatever, it's so dark there that it really doesn't matter, as long as you're not wearing bright colours.


I always wear DPM when I go, or jeans and a black t-shirt.

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Yeah, a few times. Couple in the summer, when it's still quite light outside, and a couple in the winter when it is literally pitch black.


In the winter, they stick to only indoor games in the West Wing and Hotel (assuming you've been to the site before and know the building names, otherwise, these are the biggest buildings). It's mainly just CTF games, the main corridors and stairs are lit up with glowsticks, but everywhere else is dark. You can also use the road to each side of these buildings for flanking. I'd suggest going to the same side as the car park of the buildings and flanking far, far to the edge. If you don't make a noise, it's pretty much impossible to be spotted, unless you make a lot of noise or someone shines a light directly on you and something reflects the light. You can get literally behind their lines and take them out from behind, had a couple of us do that before and we managed to take out over half their team before they knew what was going on.


In the summer/when it's still light-ish outside, they do attack/defend games outside until it gets too dark for it, then they move to the same as above.

With attack/defend, it's usually the Police Station, basic rules - one team starts inside with one or two lives, the other starts outside with infinite lives and must turn on four lights in the building.

Even if it's light outside, it's usually pitch black in the buildings because so little light is able to enter.


Either way, it's great fun.


Wear whatever you like, as I said before, I either go full DPM or jeans and a black t-shirt - not been spotted any more easily in either of these.

I'd suggest taking mesh with you (as well as normal goggles) incase of rain, whenever I play there in the rain, I can't use normal goggles as they steam up so badly.

Also, would recommend a bright flashlight, with strobe. I have a cheap 1000 lumen one, cost me £25 with pressure switch from eBay. It lights up the full length of the long corridors, so you can clearly see what's down there, it also lights up outside for a good 100m or so, the batteries last more than long enough, and if you meet someone and in a bit of a standoff with who's on what team, strobe them and prepare to shoot - works so well.

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No never been there mate, I've seen the map on their website,


Im going to go with my all black load out as its dark, save the multicam for the weekend when there's some light! And camo!


Thanks pal

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althou I'd say black is better than multicam for nighttime, it's not ultimate, black always sticks out like a sore thumb cause there's nothing 100% black around. You already have a black kit, but for people considering, see if you can get dark blue or dark grey, lots better.

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