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A and K draganov sniper

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im going to be purchaseing this sniper rifle and im just wondering of the scopes out there im scoureing the net and only find em rangeing over 200 pounds

any help finding any or other scopes tht are able to be mounted would be greatly apreciated UK sites plz



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does it have to be the normal draganov style scope ?





thats the cheapest i can find it from a uk based seller mate

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from looking at google images you will need the svd scope mount in this style




rarther than the traditional style which is designed to house the normal svd scope


fire support have one for £65 inc next day postage but i would email them and check it wld fit the a&k draganov

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theese guys are realy good alot of the lads on here have used them myself included and i have never had a problem with them

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Yup you WILL pay fortune for one. I paid about £100 delivered, + extra with some wooden furniture also.

I bought from RSOV.com... were the best option at thee time when no one in the UK sold them!

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Just be aware to ensure you get one specifically for the SVD side mount rail. Those for AK's will fit but are meant for the deeper side rail on an AK and consequently they sit too far right of the centre line, so the scope will never be in line to get it zero'd properly.

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