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new TM guns

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TM are bringing out some new guns:

416- probably recoil shock

What looks like a sig pistol

1911 variant

And what looks to be a solid stock mp5- hopefully also recoil shock or gbb.


I'll get pictures up in a bit.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest WhiteDeath

I think most or even all of TM's modern AEGS have the recoil shock system now.It's become their niche ,but soon the cheap clones will come.

A new generation of the P226?How can you possibly make something MORE gas efficient than that thing?

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That's exactly what I'm hoping for too. If they do the 7.62 version in the next release as they did with the Scar's, I'm definitley having one, especially if its one of the 20inch ones

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