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Hk g36

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Just got my umerex hk g36c delivered gave the batt a charge and let my misses shoot me in the back from the end of the garden, I'm quite suprised no 1 she hit me and number 2 jesus f*cking Christ it's left a welt the size of a walnut it states 300 fps, but I'm not sure anybody had any experience with this gun...probably should have asked before buying it but I'm impulsive and the best of times


one more thing it's a two tone (blue) don't look 2 bad at all, but I will paint it when I get my ukara, but let's say I got it then didn't play airsoft for a year wtf does that mean in the eyes of the law, I'd have an rif and I had a reason to own it but at this moment in time don't but would more than like have a reason in the future seems like a load of bullshit to me really, somebody commits an armed robbery or brandishes a gun in public the police should just cap em end of problem.

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I agree with you. RIF or two-tone IF you still aren't allowed either in public so what's the point?

Some little kids saw me in my garden with a bright orange shotgun and still thought it was real anyway...

To be honest it is easy to get a licence/defence so I'm not really bothered although the system is kind of weird.

I mean like I said about the kids they think even a brightly coloured gun is real and there are loads of retarded people that could think a two-tone gun is real.

I'm surprised people don't just paint them black because they would if they really wanted to do a robbery with one...so the two-tone doesn't really prevent crime and it's too easy to bypass if you really wanted to do something bad.

I can't believe people really wanted to ban airsoft though...they were just jealous because they couldn't have any fun.

Nobody knows about airsofting they only know what paintball is (sh*t)


I think you have to renew your UKARA defence every year BTW but it doesn't mean you have to go to three skirmishes within a year but not within 2 months again you just ring em up or something

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As for keeping it in the future, there won't be a problem as you would have legally obtained it.


About you getting shot by it, Umarex guns (I believe the G36 is Ares oem'd) often come in at around 400fps so it'll be worth your while chronoing it and getting it down-grading if necessary.

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They're actually S&T, (ares design) and mine was 440fps :P

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Any body know how hard it is to change a spring on one of these and what sort of spring il need to get it down to 350,,, did the poor mans chrono and it went straight through the bottom of a can shizer :S

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Done it?


Its pretty simple. Plenty of vids on youtube for disassembling it as well.

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