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Anyone used www.strikeforcesupplies.co.uk

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As per title really! http://www.strikeforcesupplies.co.uk


Looking at some Bullet Ant Goggles and they have unused genuine issue sets for £20. The closest other price I've found for them is over £40 and they run at £80 odd brand new!!!


I may be a bit cynical, but it sounds too good to be true :)

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I was just browsing as well and they have a desert Osprey plate carrier with 13 pouches and it's only £30...


I've never really looked for them elsewhere, but £30 sounds mentally cheap. If it weren't in desert I'd have bought it straight away.


I'm still considering buying it now, despite the colour lol.


On the other hand though, they're selling green fabric sniper tape for about £5, which seems a little pricey for tape. Though again, I've never priced that up from elsewhere either, maybe it's usually £25 or something, I've no idea.


Seems like a pretty awesome shop find either way. Thanks for the link!

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I took a gamble and ordered the goggles, so I'll let you know if they turn up!


EDIT - would you believe that a couple of minutes after typing the above comment, I got an email saying my order has been dispatched!! Looking good so far :)

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Well - the Bullet Ants arrived this morning. Absolutely brand spanking new in original unopened packaging! An absolute bargain.


I'd definitely recommend these guys based on that experience!

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