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how to use a radio 101.4fm

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this is just a rough guild for airsoft on the use of a radio in a large team


the first thing you need to remember is stay calm and speak clearly don't yell, breath or panic

also be clear on what your on about, find the target PID him then radio it in give details just saying there an enemy isnt helping remember location numbers is he moving and is he north south ect

example "1-1, 1 contact 30m red building right side he's firing towards the gray 2 story building"


if your on a unsecure channel and you probably are since this is airsoft then you might think every thing you say is being heard by the enemy this is true but in a large event like NAE there's no point in worrying with over 1000 people all talking having your scan function on is useless but callsigns are still important to know who your talking to but once again keep it simple having a separate name for each person is ok for a group of 4 that have been airsofting for years but its confusing


you only need signs for full teams, recon teams, fire teams and lone units

example full there are two team's alpha 1-1 and bravo 2-1 their fire teams would have alpha or bravo added to the end or if your the team leader you add Zero or actual to the end

but all this can be over whelming for most people it can be a good idea to have a radio operator in your team that know's what there on about


if seen "listened" to alot of code words people have used to authenticated that its their own team

these are a good idea until you use it then there point less cause as soon as you use it anyone on the same channel has it as well but one ive seen that works very well where the code is fake but the status is real is the example

"this is delta 2-2, authenticate, 148echo, status, we're good /still kicking/ "


i know this is very basic as its all foot note's from my batco but i hope this helps

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you only need signs for full teams, recon teams, fire teams and lone units

example full there are two team's alpha 1-1 and bravo 2-1 their fire teams would have alpha or bravo added to the end or if your the team leader you add Zero or actual to the end

but all this can be over whelming for most people it can be a good idea to have a radio operator in your team that know's what there on about

Could you give some examples of the signs for full teams, recon teams, fire teams and lone units based on what you were saying in this quote, cos I'm not sure I do get it.


I'm in no way a spelling or grammar nazi, right, but could you please use some punctuation cos it makes understanding what is one point and what relates to the next much easier...

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Nice guide mate. As said expand it and run in through a spell checker and it's done. And if this stops at least one person screaming "I'm getting shot! Help!!" down my ear then your my hero

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