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G17 metal slide replacement

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Hi all, I'm going to be getting my UKARA soon, my 3rd game is next week, is it legal, once I have my licence, to by RIF body parts for my currently 2-toned guns? I have found all the necessary bits for my G36, but I cant find a replacement metal slide for my KWA G17, does anyone have the part number for the metal slide? or know if it is compatible with TM parts etc? I hate having to use a bright blue pistol but it seems daft to buy a new gun purely for aesthetics.


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It's perfectly legal once you have your defence sorted out.


Not sure on the slide for the Glock though, sorry.

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The TM won't fit, I can almost 100% guarantee it. KWA parts are also notoriously hard to get hold of.


I'd try looking on Redwolf and if you find it, you could contact their UK office and have them ship it over for you so you don't have to pay shipping and then they'll charge you and post it to you from within you UK, I think their retail store is based in Gloucestershire.


Just look on Redwolf's website under contact details and there ought to be a number and email address for the UK shop.

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