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Wiring - Lowest resistance possible.

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So I'm wanting to rewire my L85 with some über low resistance wiring.


However, I know nothing about wiring. What makes it low resistance? The material? I'm guessing silicone or copper would be the best?


Or is it the number of strands? Is more strands better for lower resistance? Or less strands?


Would using lower resistance wiring mean that the batteries drained faster? Or last longer?


Lastly, where can I buy low resistance wire from that's good for applications in airsoft, do you recommend any in particular?




Last question, does anyone know how to remove the upper receiver connector set in an ICS L85? There are two brass (I think they're brass anyway) plates in the upper half of the gun around the trigger mech area and I can't figure out how to remove them. They're part of a clear plastic assembly, but there seems to be no way to disconnect them from the upper receiver and they're in too much of an awkward place to solder the new wire to them without removing them first.


First lot of questions take priority, but I'd like to know how to get the connectors out. I've had the gun apart into individual components before and that part of the connectors is the only part of the entire gun I can't figure out how to strip...


Cheers guys.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member


(I don't know if it is 'good' wire, calling component-shop would be a good bet though as they could probably answer a lot of your questions)




Lower the AWG the lower the resistance, they will be fatter wires though (imagine it like a pipe, big pipe you can fit more water down it).


That said, I don't know the ideal AWG rating for guns, there might be an old thread with some info I will have a dig.

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Cheers for the input Dev, that pipe analogy is quite handy.




How do you actually buy that wire on Component-shop? It looks like the more you buy the cheaper it is, which kinda makes sense... But it's also confusing me slightly.


Looking at the 16AWG wire it says 80 for 1m+ 74p for 10m+ and 68p for 50m+


Does that mean that, say if I want to buy 2m of wire, it'll cost me £1.60? 80p per metre, so 2m = 80p x 2?


If I want to buy 11m of wire, it'll cost me 74p x 11 and if I want to buy 51m of wire it'll be 68p x51?


I'm assuming that's right.


It just confused me how you have to input the price of how much you want to buy, not the number of metres...


I might as well get a good couple of metres of black and white though, even if I find out there's something better out there, it's not like I'm breaking the bank, is it? Lol.


Think I might spend the weekend rewiring everything.


Second edit:


Just came across this: http://airsoft.wikidot.com/wiring


Not exactly gospel I know, but it's a handy guide. I feel like I've done the right thing getting some 16AWG silicone wire now.


However I just placed the order completing forgetting that I also need some effing deans connectors as well <_<

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