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Viking Airsoft

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So here's my review of a days airsofting at Viking Airsoft.


Living in Bedfordshire, which I'm fairly sure is the county without any sites of its own (correct me if I'm wrong) it's quite hard to find a local/nearby site never mind one where I enjoy playing at.


In the past I've frequented AWA, and didn't like it which kind of put me off airsoft. Then I discovered Viking.


Due to personal preference I've only been down on Sundays so far, which are the more "Filmsim" style games as opposed to skirmishing which they run on the Saturday (note they only open one weekend a month).


On our second visit we camped over on the Saturday night, which was a laugh. There was a fire, light-hearted banter and loads of friendly regulars. We stayed up until about half 1 in the morning before deciding to call it a day/night/very early morning before hitting the sack.


And onto the gameplay. All of the players, so around 20 in total were split into three teams and the first game was simple; at your base will be a bucket. In the centre of the map is a capturable regen point where items of interest will be dropped. The team with the most items by lunchtime wins. Very simple, and lead to a lot of fast-paced contacts as well as some rather sneaky manouevres by various teams.


After lunch, where you can enjoy either your own food or a hot JP cooked by the marshals wife we divided down into two teams and set about our next game; destroying the tent. Basically, at the capturable regen was a tent, and inside it was a bomb. The team to capture the tent and defend the bomb for five minutes won. And unfortunately my team didn't.


So onto the next game after a short admin break. Now the winning team (blues I think) had to move the tent to their pick up point, keeping only to the tracks (well the tent had to anyway!). This lead to a nice little ambush, followed by a number of attempts by the blues to push us back, followed by an all round attack on us which allowed the tent to make it's way to the Pick Up Point.


By this time most people were running low on ammo/power/energy and so we called it a day (1630).


The day was enjoyable and I would highly recommend the site to newcomers to the sport and old hands alike.


Any questions, post 'em up.





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