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Gun not functioning correctly.

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Hey everyone!! Been ages since i was last on this site!

Have kind of drifted away from this hobby since my airsoft team have now disbanded :(

But i refuse to give up this amazing, expensive sport!!! :D

I posted a thread before telling my problem with my AEG, that on single fire it after a couple of shots it just stops shooting and all i can hear is a quiet "CLICK"

People told me it was the spring not fully retracting or something along those lines and told me to keep the gun on SEMI-AUTO and to just burst fire.

This isn't possible for me either as the gun doesn't seem to fire unless i hold it down for a few seconds which then im basically putting a few dozen bb's into the player :(


So basically my question is what is the problem with my gun and how can i get it fixed?

Is this problem common in AEGs??


Sorry for the longish question guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So how did you repair it??

Im looking to get mine repaired but dont particularly want to give it in to repair and having to pay them for a job i may have done myself.

Anyone else help please :(

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You will have to have a look at the trigger contacts. So you may well have to take the gearbox out of the body. You can find that they are dirty from arcing or are just not quite making any more.


It also could be your motor contacts are not making correctly, either a wire is loose to the bottom of the motor or the motor is not engaging properly (had bad connections on my ICS m4 and it was the motor connectors not on right, sometimes it would work, sometimes it would not, replaced connectors with new ones and she was alright, this was the same fault as yours, sometimes ok sometimes just a click)


The motor connectors are the easiest bit to check as its at the bottom of the pistol grip,rather than complete disassembly to look at the trigger contacts.


hope that helps

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