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m4 brit?

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Right so basically


im going to buy an m4 and want a British loadout i think you airsofters call it?


i know the SAS use a Canadian licensed built m4 so can anyone advise me on the correct uniform and webbing of an SAS trooper with an m4?


would also consider Canadian loadouts as im currently doing 1st Canadian parachute btn ww2


any help would be appreciated



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I'll preface this by saying that there are far more 'qualified' gear-fanatics out there than me on this topic.


But - a lot of it really depends on what era you want.


There's a photo floating around the web of an SAS team at night, circa 2004 (I think), and they're all wearing different camo - but, it's all UK-US. Predominantly DPM and desert DPM, American tri-colour desert camo and the newer ACU camo. Their plate carriers are either olive or green, I can't tell from the photo (it's in Mark Urban's Task Force Black)


However, photos from 2007 in Iraq show the SAS in Crye Multicam (not MTP). Their assault-vests/plate carriers are in (smoke)green, not olive-drab.


I'm sure someone will tell me this is all outdated anyway...

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if your after a British loadout but with a m4 you could try a para pathfinder loadout since they use the C8

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if your after a British loadout but with a m4 you could try a para pathfinder loadout since they use the C8

I knew that was a L119A1 and I heard a fellow named "Perr mike" do the Barrel extensions, but how do I find that man for this?

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Hello Gents


thanks for the replys im deffo wanting DPM rather than afghan.


right so im working 2mins away from patrol base so i popped in and the bloke there is ex para pathfinders and has advised me on which clothing to get etc so its just a case of getting it ive got some and getting other bits off ebay just need the boots and im pretty much set.


only downside is the m4 i wanted sold out as someone went in a bought 7 of them! so im going to have to wait :(


just got to find sites now and get my mate into ukara

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Hello Gents


thanks for the replys im deffo wanting DPM rather than afghan.


right so im working 2mins away from patrol base so i popped in and the bloke there is ex para pathfinders and has advised me on which clothing to get etc so its just a case of getting it ive got some and getting other bits off ebay just need the boots and im pretty much set.


only downside is the m4 i wanted sold out as someone went in a bought 7 of them! so im going to have to wait :(


just got to find sites now and get my mate into ukara

Would you mind sharing what the exPara Pathfinder said about the loadout? I am fancying getting a L119a1 sooner or later. :lol:

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it more than likely easier and cheaper to make a C8 just get any type of m4 replace ris hand guard with a old style one and pop a m4 front sight rail and a ribber butt pad on the AEG and you should be grand

also if you plan to go for the SAS weapon i think they still use M16 with a m203

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also if you plan to go for the SAS weapon i think they still use M16 with a m203


Today they're supposed to be using the L119A1 with H&K's 40mm launcher. I think it's the AG-36 launcher. I say 'supposed to' because this comes from photos and other airsoft forums.

But - Falklands SAS, M16 with M203 was used.

And for a brief period during the 1980s, members of 3rd Bat, Parachute regiment had M16s with 203s - only 1 man per troop, to boost squad fire during the pre-SA80 days.

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The M16/203 combo was Gulf 1 sort of era, about 20 years ago now. There's a fair few pictures around of the 119 with the AG-36, whether that's still in common circulation though I'm not certain, I've not seen any photos from 2012, they may have moved on to something entirely different by now.


A simple google image search for "L119A1" is all that you'll need to find good examples of weapons to replicate.

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Aye, someone over on IMFDB was/is claiming that UKSF are using the 40mm that H&K designed specifically for the HK416 (but not the HK416), having scrapped their L119-AG36 combo.

I'm a little hesitant to believe that, as whilst IMFDB is a pretty good site - I've found them to be a little inaccurate when it comes to some British weapons/units and what they use. That, and I'm pretty sure it would have come up on airsoft forums by now.


Military photos is a pretty good website regarding current British kit - but IRRC, they have a blanket "no SAS/SBS/UKSF" policy.

Page 312 of the British thread (my internet's being stupid so I won't link) there are photos of a joint UK-France training mission. There are some guys with Diemacos wearing UK uniform, so they've been labelled by the MilPhotos guys as pathfinders.

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I never even look on mil photos to be honest. I know it's a good resource for images but the attitudes on there stink to lord high heaven, it's a nasty malicious place. The airsoft/paintball section is absolutely littered with chavs who've spent 5 minutes in the royal logistics corps and think they're uber-1337 commandos and just spend their entire time trolling and generally being angry c***s; moderators seem to think this is fine.

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I know what you mean.

I use it just for information and pictures - and I don't even airsoft in British kit/a real loadout - I just use a random collection of stuff that 'works'! I look there out of fascination more than anything. I don't post there - to me, it's just a resource to be used IMO.


But Jamesb0551 - if you're interested in an up-to-date Pathfinders loadout, the fifth post on P312 has some good photos.

That said - if you've spoken to Ratty at Patrol Base, he'll probably set you right ;)

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he basically said he dont stand out that much from the squaddie


wheres that thread mate i cant find it for the life of me?


this is current loadout, thoughts?



webtex assault vest soon to be replaced with PLCE webbing

DPM trousers

DMS boots soon to be replaced by the standard army boot


and hopefully an m4 carbine but they sold out of the one i was going to get :/

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mike sells the parts on another forum, and takes orders every few months or so




I knew that was a L119A1 and I heard a fellow named "Perr mike" do the Barrel extensions, but how do I find that man for this?
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for plce webbing i recommend a gas mask pouch to act as a butt pouch also a bush hat is ok but a helmet or a beret could be a good alternative

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for plce webbing i recommend a gas mask pouch to act as a butt pouch also a bush hat is ok but a helmet or a beret could be a good alternative

Far as I worked out a patch of Trail drop leg dump pouches(both DPM/DDPM) were on the market from the mid 2010 tours by the Lads from RM, there are a few of them made by Vanguard? I'll tried it once, loved it. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate


I've got a couple of berets but there both large crown, so I might have to find a modern one.


Which mark helmet would it be?


And I picked up a wind proof smock with the 16th air assault brigade on one sleeve and a blue square on an 45 degree angle on the other anyone know what that signifies?

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If you want a look with one of the L119A1 rifle that would be reasonabley modern. Sooo going reasonably modern...


The simplist would be (and what I would go with):


Multicam/MTP Trousers


Plate Carrier (have a look on uktactical)


either a T-short or a softshell or fleece


and then probably a Boonie hat, MICH 2000 or IBH for your head


The trick is to go with whats comfortable as that always ends up in a good loadout


Whats your budget if yuo don't mind me asking?


(also on a side note be careful about berets as some people may not take it well)

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And I picked up a wind proof smock with the 16th air assault brigade on one sleeve and a blue square on an 45 degree angle on the other anyone know what that signifies?


I don't know what they mean but take them off, unless you're in the unit don't wear modern day flashes or badges on your uniform as you haven't earnt it, it doesn't bother me that much but it gets quite a few ex-army guys quite worked up

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i have to agree ive seen a lot of army lads go mad when they see airsofters with there patches and the para's are the most unforgiving in this issue but if you are doing a para loadout keep them on just three point's

one, blue patch's is 2 para reg (from what i remember in the angled position means not in the reg i could be wrong i know it is for other regiments)

two, air assault patch keep it or leave it

three, the pathfinder patch it red on the laft and right with wight in the middle and a black arrow on the center

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