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M15A4 Carbine Sportline AEG CA

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Hey.... Browsing around and this Rifle has caught my eye. I understand I will need to become a registered member to purchase one and all. I've looked on you tube at a reveiw and so far it hasn't turned up any faults, apart from it doesn't come with a battery. I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with this weapon and if so, would you reccomend it?




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You can get one with a Battery you can also get one in two tone but don't if it's plastic Bodided the barrel will Snap out like mine did after 3 Mag Grab's Charging round corner's lol

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You can get one with a Battery you can also get one in two tone but don't if it's plastic Bodided the barrel will Snap out like mine did after 3 Mag Grab's Charging round corner's lol


Ouch.... That sounds pretty bad :s Hmm.... I think I'll keep looking around for now :) And wait till I have more money to pop on a decent rifle and just rent a rifle for now :)



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Hiring until you get your UKARA registration is definitely worth it. Two tones are the most horrific items on this earth, replica weapons just aren't supposed to be fluorescent green...


Have you got a rough budget you want to spend from? A favourite rifle to aim for? M4, AK, G36?


Best brands in my opinion are ICS and G&G, though KWA are also very good. One of those brands ought to have something you're interested in. ICS and G&G also sell their "pro" line guns in an alternative plastic shell, instead of the standard metal one, so the price is much lower, but the performance is the same.

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Hiring until you get your UKARA registration is definitely worth it. Two tones are the most horrific items on this earth, replica weapons just aren't supposed to be fluorescent green...


Have you got a rough budget you want to spend from? A favourite rifle to aim for? M4, AK, G36?


Best brands in my opinion are ICS and G&G, though KWA are also very good. One of those brands ought to have something you're interested in. ICS and G&G also sell their "pro" line guns in an alternative plastic shell, instead of the standard metal one, so the price is much lower, but the performance is the same.


To be honest..... I absalutley love the L1A1 SLR (Better than the plastic pile of tripe the British Army use these days) But having only seen one costing about £350, It has put me off getting one any time soon. I was just pointed towards a few 2 tone rifles costing under £50 on Airsoft world. But I do understand they are.... Undesirable for the best word, but with vertually no money at the minute, they may be my best option. I'm tempted to sell one of my Guitars to get a bit of money, but don't know if I could get rid of my BC Rich..... Anyhow, Looking at the reviews on the rifle, they have their flaws but come highly recomended for starters..... And there is nothing saying once I'm a registered member that i can't spray over a Bright Orange G36C ;)


I'm working with one of my closest friends from when I lived in Rotherham (Most of my Teen years so far) who already owns a springer AK74U, an electric UMP45 and is buying a grenade laucher, but I forget what brand GL he is getting :s We are eventually planning to set up a team. Which I will be training myself xD Got to say.... It will be different from training a load of snotty 13 year old were the saftey catch is on an SA80 ;)

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Plastic pile of tripe? How dare you say that about the L85! ='[ It's not even that plastic. Bloody thing weighs a ton.

The only SLR I can think of is made by King Arms, my mate had one and for the price, it is woefully awful, you'd probably be just as well off with a springer.


But seriously, any gun that's of skirmishable quality is going to cost you upwards of £100 and the only spring rifles you ought to bother getting for a skirmish are very high quality, upgraded (or upgradable), high-power spring sniper rifles. I've no idea who recommended you get a springer, but that's the last thing I'd recommend.


Your best bet for a gun to enjoy yourself with and to start with, is some sort of ICS Sportsline, a G&G plastic bodied something or other, or a CYMA AK. All are around the £150 mark and very good guns, even for experienced players. If you want something metal, with a bit more of a realistic feel and weight, then just go for the metal versions of the plastic sportsline guns, they'll be about £100 more, metal, but otherwise exactly the same.


Buying a cheap springer will be a bad move, even for back garden use they're not that great, unless your garden is 10m or less long, the rate of fire and range will be a hugh let down in a skirmish and you'll be outgunned by most people's side arms.


Best advice I can give though? Hire a gun a few times to make sure you're certain of the sport you're buying into, 'cos if you buy a gun, play a few times and decide it's not for you, then that's a pretty expensive mistake you've just made. Also, on a side note, don't buy a sniper as a first gun. They need about £500 worth of upgrades in them and out of the box aren't even worth having. So it's not worth it unless you've got a sh*t ton of money and the experience to upgrade it, which at this stage, I doubt you have lol.


P.S. BC Rich = Awesome. Don't sell it.

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Plastic pile of tripe? How dare you say that about the L85! ='[ It's not even that plastic. Bloody thing weighs a ton.

The only SLR I can think of is made by King Arms, my mate had one and for the price, it is woefully awful, you'd probably be just as well off with a springer.


But seriously, any gun that's of skirmishable quality is going to cost you upwards of £100 and the only spring rifles you ought to bother getting for a skirmish are very high quality, upgraded (or upgradable), high-power spring sniper rifles. I've no idea who recommended you get a springer, but that's the last thing I'd recommend.


Your best bet for a gun to enjoy yourself with and to start with, is some sort of ICS Sportsline, a G&G plastic bodied something or other, or a CYMA AK. All are around the £150 mark and very good guns, even for experienced players. If you want something metal, with a bit more of a realistic feel and weight, then just go for the metal versions of the plastic sportsline guns, they'll be about £100 more, metal, but otherwise exactly the same.


Buying a cheap springer will be a bad move, even for back garden use they're not that great, unless your garden is 10m or less long, the rate of fire and range will be a hugh let down in a skirmish and you'll be outgunned by most people's side arms.


Best advice I can give though? Hire a gun a few times to make sure you're certain of the sport you're buying into, 'cos if you buy a gun, play a few times and decide it's not for you, then that's a pretty expensive mistake you've just made. Also, on a side note, don't buy a sniper as a first gun. They need about £500 worth of upgrades in them and out of the box aren't even worth having. So it's not worth it unless you've got a sh*t ton of money and the experience to upgrade it, which at this stage, I doubt you have lol.


P.S. BC Rich = Awesome. Don't sell it.


It's a BC Rich Warlock, Mick Thomson Sig ;) It is my pride and joy.


Over at Airsoftworld.net, they sell £50 Electric 2 tone rifles. They are what I was looking at. I thought it might be a good start off point as from the reviews i've seen, they do come recomended for new players to get to grips with Airsofting, but then again, I'm having someone talk to me directley against it. I'll just see how finances go in the future :)




P.S. On the topic of the L85.... I'm the one who has used the REAL rifle and had it jam on me in the midde of a (blank) firefight which would probably get me killed on the frontline. I have all the reasons I want to call it a plastic piece of tripe ;)

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