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Airsoft tutorial

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What sort of tutorials/info do you need mate? I can make a few videos over the weekend if you need :)

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What sort of tutorials/info do you need mate? I can make a few videos over the weekend if you need :)


Oh cheers mate, well we play in a foresty area with no buildings, so stuff like, tree protection or anything related that my help. :-D


Thanks, :-D

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all i would say is in a forest try and make sure where ever you are that your protected on either side of you (either by other team members protecting the flank or by a unpassable area if you are the one on the sides) and make yourself a smaller target get low and stay low dont be afraid to get muddy/wet etc.

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Oh I think basically if you apply these tactics to trees instead of fences in my mates garden lol.

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I came across a few vids the other day thatll help you out ill just have to see if i can find them on YT again.

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