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FireSupport Ltd

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Hi Guy`s ordered some bob`s and bit`s But i have two E-Mail`s saying slightly different thing`s IE Thank You for Your Order Just Placed at fire-support.co.uk- Ref No. ******* and one saying basically the same thing but Order No. *****


cheer`s for the help i E-mailed them hopefully i get a reply lol first time I`ve ever used them though so just making sure


Edit: Apparently like Everyone else i`ve ever ordered from one`s a bank E-mail one`s a E-mail straight from them lol if only i had thought of that before hand and They even sent it Express 24! i think postage was only £3 or £4 aswell SWEET I`ll Update when it`s Received

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Received My Item`s in a nice big box from Marui themselve`s and load`s of bubble wrap (YAY!)

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