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To practice working on AEG internals I've got my mate's AK which has a major gearbox lock up issue, so I'm aiming to dismantle the gearbox and see what's going on.


However, I'm currently falling at the very first hurdle, I can't figure out how to remove the gearbox...


Any takers?

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Old TM AKs are the hardest bit of airsoft kit to disassemble and reassemble,


If it's a newer model AK its a lot like a G36 its all about the right screws and there are lots of helpful vids on youtube


When it comes to the gear box take pics both before disassemble and after as a guide for later

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I managed to figure it out eventually, stripped the gearbox, barrel and hop and cleaned all the components.


The gearbox's blowback mech had been spitting paint chippings into the piston and gears, so all the grease in the gearbox, which was ludicrously excessive was being made very viscous and thick by all the paint chips, it was also completely full of dirt, the hop nub even had sand in it and that's something I'd have really expected to stay clean...


Cleaned it all out, reassembled it, disabled the blowback mech at the same time and now it seems completely fine, I actually love it, the performance is unparalleled for a completely stock gun, the accuracy is immense and it's using stock hop and barrel. It's truly amazing, it's actually comparable to my L85 in terms of both range and accuracy, which is depressing as hell considering the L85 cost twice as much before I even started adding to it, at the moment my L85 has cost over 4 and a half times as much.


I feel invincible now though, 'cos I actually understand how all the internals work and actually fixed it! Feeling good despite all my over hanging uni work.


Took me 4 hours to do and I even enjoyed it, working on a gun for 4 hours is miles more fun than working on a sh*tty essay...

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