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Final two ?

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you should go for the CM15 some form of lipo battery and a lipo charger of some sort

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I would go with the Raider but at this point it's mostly about the looks unless your planning to make airsoft swiss army knife




The battery's you need are on the right of the sceen :P I would with 9.6v 1600mAh

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I like the cm15 better however You can get the m4a1 to make your life easier as you can get the battery and charger combo pack for a cheaper price, that should make the 'what battery do I use?' question much easier.... - if you really like the cm15 go with that and considering how new you are to the sport you will want to use a 8.4/9.6v nimh battery (be wary of the 9.6v as im not sure how the g&g gun internals that you have listed will hold up to the extra power) and smart charger as u have to be Carefull with lipo's and need a special charger and fire safe charging bag to be on the safe side...


Cheers Liam

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I'd go with the CM15 but then I'm biased as i have the CM15 raider short barrel and its excellent (well thats coming from someone who's totally new to this). I've got an 8.4v 1600mAh battery which seem to work well enough for me anyway.

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I'd go with the CM15 but then I'm biased as i have the CM15 raider short barrel and its excellent (well thats coming from someone who's totally new to this). I've got an 8.4v 1600mAh battery which seem to work well enough for me anyway.


With the battery your using how long does the battery last ?

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With the battery your using how long does the battery last ?



If your not super trigger happy all day but it's best to have two

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With the battery your using how long does the battery last ?


should last all day - i carry a spare just incase; u always carry more ammo just incase so why not a battery :)



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personaly id go with the m4a1 but as said they are both as good as each other


also i run a 8.4v 1600 batt aswell and one lasts me a day of airsofting and more.

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I own a GR15 Raider L, which is basically a CM16 (not CM15 like the site says, that doesn't exist lol) but with blowback.


They make great starter rifles.


Go with the Raider as you'll be grateful for the rails if you ever go CQB or want a foregrip.


I can be a bit trigger happy but I've only had to change battery once all day, still, I have 3, just in case ;)

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