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Turnigy Accucel 6 cable help

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Hi guys


I've managed to get my hands on a Turnigy Accucel 6 Charger at last although it's second hand and didn't come with any cables other than one I have no use for.


I understand to properly charge a lipo battery (mini tamiya connectors) I need a banana plug to tamiya charging cable (pictured), and then an adapter to change from large to mini tamiya which I already have.


I've seen a cable on Ebay as below, just need to know if it's the correct type if anyone can help?



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I'd just lop the end off whatever cable you got with the charger and put the connector you do need on that.


I'm gonna throw the old "change all your things to deans" out there as well, mini tamiya are crap :)

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Cheers. Yeah I keep hearing bout deans from people I will do it asap, problem is I have zero electrical experience so will have to learn or pay someone to do it!


In the meantime that cable is only roughly £2 so no big deal. ;)

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For £2 you can't really go wrong and yes in that case that'll do the job for you fine :)


I would recommend trying to learn to solder though as it is relatively cheap and simple, it allows you to do the odd jobs yourself and provides a nice free ego boost B) i recently made myself a working mosfet for my g36 for all of £3 and i was well chuffed :D

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

There will be a ton of 'how to solder' videos on youtube. Anyone can do it, you might not make the best joint first time around so if you have any scrap wire left around have a practice attempt first. It really isn't all that hard though :)

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it isn't hard to do unless your doing it for an exam where being tidy can make or brake you (i know i just managed a D even though we barely ever saw any kind of teaching in that class and we all taught our self's it'll be a doddle for ya!) but as far as i'm aware a mosfet is the only thing that's on a circuit board

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Cool thanks peoples :) I did it in school a long time ago but like you say it's not that hard and rewarding too.


I'll give it it try ;)

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