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So, after getting a lot of different peoples opinions on some new camos, I finally decided to go and buy myself some AOR2 combats. The new dilemma I face is my plate carrier. I am very very determined to get a 6094a. To which I have a few options. I would like to look somewhat unique but not spend a weeks waiting on a AOR2 6094 plate carrier which will cost me $100 and 2/3weeks waiting time.
The place I got my AOR2 combats from gave me a nice 15% discount on my next purchase, they don't do the AOR2 6094 however they do have the AOR1 6094. But of course due to this being a tan/light colour compared to green It will be the trade off that I'll be a lot more visible (I play in the Woods surprise surprise). But I think it could look quite nice in combination. I was also thinking If I went with AOR1 6094 I would pick up my pouches in AOR2... I would like opinions though, or if someone could perhaps find a UK seller with a relatively good lookg 6094 AOR2.
Here are some images!
AOR1 6094http://www.ebairsoft.com/images/big/TMC%20Cordura%206094%20style%20Plate%20Carrier%20AOR1%20TMC1211.jpg
AOR2 Combat set with AOR1 6094 http://i50.tinypic.com/6ed8br.jpg
P.S I will be using a AOR2 Boonie and not a FAST OPS helmet too. And I'll be spraying my ICS M4 C15 in AOR2 Digital or as close as I can get it.
Anyway, opinions muchly appreciated!