Hello, I'm Connor, on the internet mostly known as "Serconker" and sometimes "Syndyr". I've had interest in Airsoft for many years now, since roughly 8 years of age when I got a M16 electric rifle made by some company I can't remember(I still have parts of that lovely rifle sticking about somewhere), but sadly, haven't until now been in a position where I can actually go and play some games on a real site. I've always loved the feel of bolt action rifles, snipers or not since me and my father (Before various laws were put into place) used to go rabbit hunting and such, which is where my love of shooting comes from(I still have 'my' rifle from those days), and recently I got my ass into gear, got some.. Well, waiting for the damn money, to get a nice rifle, me and my father have our eyes on a Snow Wolf M99(If anyone has one they'll let me buy for less than £180, let me know), but till then I'll have to do with... Rentals... Anyway, my current grand collection of two pistols and one rifle, the pistols being a really nice quality pair I picked up for less than £10 each(Yes, I'm cheap), but, beside the price, both are really nice and accurate up to 15 metres-ish, neither have let me down.. Yet.. And then I have this 'toy' Yika M14, that has a completely remade internals, since I have a lathe in my house, since my father is a machinist I've learnt quite a few things to when it comes to modifying my guns. I also make 3D models and do programming. I'm also making a full ghillie suit for the great budget of £30-ish. And I'mma have my first 'real' game down at Combat South Woodland on either 3/8/14, 31/8/14, or maybe both, depending on how much I enjoy it down there.